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50 Toddler Sing-Along Songs CD Review & Giveaway! [closed]

I'm a Mom of a 2-year old. What do 2-year-olds love? Repetition. I can only sing "The Wheels on the Bus" so many times before the wheels fall off, the bus crashes and everybody dies. THANK HEAVENS Twin Sisters Productions has put together the 50 Toddler Sing-Along Songs CD. I pop in the CD, the 2-year old can listen to it over and over and over again, and nobody on the bus dies! It's great!

The first time I popped in 50 Toddler Sing-Along Songs CD the toddler began singing right along with "Six Little Ducks". She absolutely loves it!

50 Toddler Sing-Along Songs has all the classics - "Twinkle, Twinkle", "The Muffin Man", "The Farmer in the Dell"... this may sound silly, but I have honestly worried that I'm not teaching her all the songs that define childhood. You know, the songs everybody knows but they don't know how they know them. Well, all of those songs are on this CD! Not only is she learning the songs that characterize childhood, by listening to the songs on the CD she is also learning vocabulary, letters, numbers and colors.

The songs on the 50 Toddler Sing-Along Songs CD are not like so many overdone musical productions these days. No over processed auto-tune here. 50 Toddler Sing-Along Songs has authentic instruments and voices that make calm and happy songs. It has kids voices singing and my toddler just loves to just sing right along!

I definitely recommend 50 Toddler Sing-Along Songs at home, in the car, for a long road trip or even just a trip to the store. 50 Toddler Sing-Along Songs CD is a must have!

50 Toddler Sing-Along Songs


Want something for yourself?

Twin Sisters Productions is giving away the 50 Fun Learning Songs Collection (Toddler Sing & Learn 1 & Toddler Sing & Learn 2)!!!

Leave a comment & earn an entry for each thing that you do:

  • Blog about this giveaway. Be sure to link to me [http://dottydotdotdesign1.blogspot.com] and to Twin Sisters Productions 50 Toddler Sing-Along Songs CD [http://www.twinsisters.com/onlinecatalog/toddlerpreschool/2679.htm]
  • Leave a comment - What's your favorite childhood song?
  • Have one of my backgrounds up on your site.
  • Post my button on your site.
  • Be a follower of this blog (comment to let me know if you've been following, or if you're new)
  • Become a fan on Facebook (and then comment on this post!)
*A winner will be picked Wednesday, September 1.*

Check out other upcoming giveaways!


This is a MamaBzz review.

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Purple Half Swirls

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How To Change Your Post Titles to a Cute Font

With a toddler and an infant I don't have time to fiddle with this, but Kevin&Amanda have the answer, here!

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