Over 500 FREE Blogger Backgrounds.
Product Reviews and Giveaways.

Free For Facebook!


All of my Blog Headers can be used as Facebook Covers.  That just DOUBLED the amount of free stuff on this site!  Get a FREE Background and matching Header, and then use the Header again on your Facebook page.

Using Crisp Plaid as an example...

  1. Go to the post of the Background
  2. Find the Header
  3. Click on the Header to open it in a new window
  4. Save the image onto your computer
  5. Upload the Header as a Cover on Facebook

I can customize any Header for a fabulous Facebook Cover...


  1. Gostei de estar visitando seu blog, pois possui muitos atrativos, se puder visite também o meu.

  2. Oh my gosh....fabulous idea!!!! I'm going to make my Facebook page match my blog right now!! (assuming the file is on this computer and not on my other one haha!)



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