To order please EMAIL ME.
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Personalized Header
Choose any Background from this site and get a matching Header (you will see the matching plain Headers within the post). Or choose a text-only Header. $5. See ALL examples of Personalized Headers.
---> Rectangle Header (if you want it to match a specific background, let me know the name of the background you want it to match):
---> Stylized Transparent (let me know the name of the background you want it to match):
---> Text-Only Transparent (can get it neutral colored to match more Backgrounds):
Blinking Picture
An animated picture for your site. $10

Grab Button
A still picture with code to put on your site for people to take and put on their site which will drive traffic back to your site. $10
An animated picture with code to put on your site for people to take and put on their site which will drive traffic back to your site. $15

Post Signature
Add an automatic signature at the end of each post. $10
Sidebar Titles
Custom titles for your ''About Me'', "Links", "Blog Archive", etc. $10 for 4
Custom Background
Modification of an existing background ($10), or a totally new custom background just for you ($20).
Picture Editing
Make a still picture from graphics, or add text to existing pictures, etc... $5/picture
Personalized Footer
An image/fun text for the bottom of your page. $5
Facebook Cover
Any of my Blog Headers can be used as Facebook Covers.
Using Crisp Plaid as an example...
- Go to the post of the Background
- Find the Header
- Click on the Header to open it in a new window
- Save the image onto your computer
- Upload the Header as a Cover on Facebook
I can customize a Header to use as a Facebook Cover for $5.
Items where I go into your blog and do "behind the scenes" work for you:
Background Installation, Blog Adjustment and Color Coordination - Choose any of my FREE Blogger Backgrounds and I'll install it for you (including adjustments and coordination). $15
Link List - Add outgoing links to your favorite places. $1/link
Sidebar Text - Send me text and I'll install it on your sidebar (ie: for an "About Me" section). $5
Blog Text Color Coordination - $5
Counter - I will install a counter that keeps track of how many people visit your site. $10
Music Player - $5
Posting For You - You send me the content, I'll keep up your blog posts. $10/month
Anything Else? Just let me know...
Happy Customers:
- Syracuse Montessori Preschool
- The Movement Dance Center
- DreaM Photograhs
- Doin' Disney
- Church Babies
- Crafty 4U
- Candy Hearts
- Frosted!
- The Superhero and The Princess
- Letters to Lu-Lu
- Sara Letters
- Norah's Menus and Recipes
- Cakes By Genny
- After The Wedding Video Editing
- Third Grade Teacher Blog (on Wordpress)
- Yummy Utah
- Bling A Baby