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The Unfortunate Day Has Come

It's here. The day I can no longer afford to keep Dotty Dot Dot running.

I cannot afford my picture hosting site anymore (that's how the background codes work). I was putting every penny I earned through advertising and design work back into keeping this site up. I offered free blogger backgrounds and accessories for as long as I possibly could. Unfortunately, I can not offer this any longer. All of the content is still on this site, but it is not usable anymore - as the links to the picture hosting site are not valid.

It makes me very sad, but every year the picture hosting site got a little more expensive, and this year the price jumped through the roof, and without them it impossible for me to offer free stuff anymore.

So with a heavy heart I now push the "publish" button on this post .


  1. I am SO sorry about this. I found out when I went to update my blog yesterday. I'm sincerely TICKED OFF at PB and seriously hope they crash due to their greed. I've read several places that people are just going to move. I'm sad to lose my beautiful background and wish you the very best!

  2. Sorry to hear this, but understand how it goes. Thank you for sharing your talents with us:)

  3. I'm sorry, I love your work!

  4. Aw, what a shame! I'm sorry this happened. I always enjoyed your site. Thank you for all you've done and shared here. Blessings to you!



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