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Product Reviews and Giveaways.


1001PicnicBaskets.com makes great gifts for any occasion. Just looking at the site makes me want to be on a blanket in a park with a warm breeze blowing...

Cover Your Tracks

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Evergreen Love

*Page elements by Crafty Scraps

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Swirling Red

*Page elements by Crafty Scraps

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Season of Giving 2010, WINNER #4

The WINNER of the handmade Groovy Jingle Owl from Fanciful Stitches is...

Seagull Beach

Merry Orange Christmas, 2-Column

*Page elements by Dinphy

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Jeremy Plays Guitar Holiday Contest

JEREMY PLAYS GUITAR wants to write a holiday song for you!!!

Send a story about your family's holiday tradition...a special holiday moment...a holiday challenge... or holiday fun and we will write a song all about it! Your kids will love having a special song all about them.

The winner of our HOLIDAY CONTEST will receive a customized CD with your personalized song along with the award winning CD "Use Your Words" and the storybook/cd set 'Give Me A Break'. Your personalized CD will be a special part of your holidays for years to come!!

All Entries are due by December 15, 2010. Send your story to info@jeremyplaysguitar.com or visit our website at www.jeremyplaysguitar.com.

Check out other personalized songs we have written at www.jeremyplaysguitar.com/songsofthemonth.

Luna Organics WINNER!

The winner of the play make-up set from Luna Organics is... comment #7, shana!

Shana says,
"I think the Animal Medley would be cute"

See upcoming giveaways...

Christmas Tree Blocks, 2-Column

*Page elements by Dinphy

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Luna Organics Play Make-Up Review & Giveaway

At our house we've been on a Tinkerbell kick the last little while, so when the opportunity to review Luna Organics came around I quickly jumped on board! When The Fancy Fairy Makeup arrived the Toddler could hardly contain her excitement for her own makeup (just like Mommy's!).

My daughter has very fair and sensitive skin. Even Bandaids give her rashes, so I'm always a little nervous to put stuff on her skin and especially on her face. Luna Organics is safe to use because it is hypoallergenic, all of the ingredients are FDA approved and all of their suppliers are in compliance with the standards set by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics. This means they are non-toxic and they don't test on animals. Luna Organics is every day play make-up that you can feel safe about using.

Luna Organics play make up is a very fine dust powder that can be applied with the double sided applicator included in the set, or you can even just use your finger. The colors and texture of the make-up are soft and fine so your little girl will still look like a little girl. The lip gloss is slightly tinted, just enough to make your little girl feel like a really special big girl wearing her own make-up!

Luna Organics offers many sets of play makeup, including; Fancy Fairy, Darling Diva, Pretty Princess and Rock Star. Costume makeup sets include; Rainbow, Pixie, Animal Medley, Clown & Bunny. Throwing a fairy or princess party? Luna Organics has organic play makeup party favors. Luna Organics also has a Natural Girl makeup line for 'tweens. (I am definitely keeping this in mind for a few years down the road...).

I'm so excited that Luna Organics had this idea to make safe, natural play make-up. Now maybe the Toddler will stay out of Mommy's make-up bag. (Maybe.)

Luna Organics is giving away a play make-up set (choose from fairy, princess, diva, rock star, animal or pixie)!

Here's how to enter (get one entry for each thing you do {&comment}:
  • Share on your blog about this giveaway. Link back to me

  • Install (or already have installed) one of my backgrounds up on your site, remember to comment.

  • Post (or already have installed) my button on your site, remember to comment.

  • Become (or already be) a follower of this blog, remember to comment.

***(I'm not telepathic, so you have to leave a comments telling me what you've done. Leave separate comments for each thing you do, get lots of entries!)***

*A winner will be picked Monday, December 13 , 2010.

Check out more upcoming giveaways!

*Product was supplied by
Luna Organics for this review.


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