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Product Reviews and Giveaways.

Twin Sisters Productions Ultimate Mother Goose Collection Review & Giveaway

Parenthood is overwhelming. You are handed your new bundle of joy with a "good luck" smile and pat on the arm. HOW are you EVER supposed to teach this new little life everything they need to know?! Well, ease the anxiety and start out with The Ultimate Mother Goose Collection from Twin Sisters Productions. It's great for learning all of the childhood classics.

The Ultimate Mother Goose Collection is a big, colorful book with darling illustrations that comes with four CDs of songs. It's fun to listen to while you read along. Great audio and visual stimulation. As I read along with my Toddler, I found myself wishing that the CD had some audio cues to tell her/us when to turn the page. I knew when to turn the page, because I can read - but I left the Toddler alone with the book and CD for a minute and when I came back she was distraught and flipping through the pages, looking for the 'lost' Little Miss Muffet. For older children The Ultimate Mother Goose Collection has activity pages at the end of each nursery rhyme. It's important to note that not all of the nursery rhymes are in the book. Only the ones on the first CD. I really like the songs on the CDs and I'm going to put all four of the CDs in The Ultimate Mother Goose Collection in the car and put them on random. Nothing like learning on the go! Multitasking is what Motherhood is all about.

I honestly enjoy Twin Sisters Productions sound and professional production. I worked at a radio station, I have experience in audio engineering and I can appreciate music that is well produced. I bought another CD for the Toddler (not from Twin Sisters) and I ended up throwing it away because I couldn't stand the amatuerish 'tinny' music that sounded like it was recorded in a tuna fish can. As I was throwing away the bad CD I was reminding myself in my head, "Yes, yes, I remember.... always buy from Twin Sisters Productions. Twin Sisters CDs ONLY from now on!". I can stand, and even enjoy listening to Twin Sisters Productions' music over and over again.

I love, love, LOVE products from Twin Sisters Productions, but I wish that some of the products on the Twin Sisters website had more pictures and better descriptions of what is included in the pack/set and track listings of the songs. Often times I'd run into a description stating "This product is meant for all ages". Okaaay.... but what I really want is a track listing of what songs are on the CD? The products on the Twin Sisters site that are updated include links to snippets of the songs - that's very nice and helpful when browsing products on the site.

In the Twin Sisters Productions bargain basement you can find great deals - and sometimes you can find REALLY great deals. Along with getting product perk for writing a review, I have purchased from Twin Sisters Productions website. One time I bought CDs for $1 each in the bargain basement. ONE DOLLAR! It's all about hitting the sale at the right time, so check the site frequently. I was a little upset that I missed a really great Christmas deal during an after holiday online sale, but I didn't move fast enough. Don't wait on deals in the bargain basement! There's no time to sit around and 'think about it' when the prices are THAT good. I was very impressed with purchasing from the site (just as I am overall impressed with the company as a whole). My purchase arrived on time and as described.

I just can't get enough of Twin Sisters Productions. I'm a fan for life and I hope you will be, too.

Twin Sisters Productions is giving away an Ultimate Mother Goose Collection! Here are the links you'll need, then fill out the form below! *A winner will be picked Monday, June 5, 2011.

*All opinions expressed in this post are 100% mine. Product was supplied by Twin Sisters Productions for this review.

Sunset Flower {skinny}

*Page elements by Julie.it.is.

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The Grass is Always Greener {skinny}

*Page elements by Lollipop Designs

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Cars 2

I'm so excited to take my little "Light-neen Ma-keen" to see Cars 2. There are so many
new cars! Totally lovin' John Lassetire. "Tire", HAHA! I saw a documentary on John Lasseter. What a creative genius. The first Cars is classic, the second Cars (Pixar Animated Studio's 12th film) looks like it's going to be awesome. Can't wait until June 24, 2011!

Movie synopsis:
Lightening McQueen (Owen Wilson) and his best friend "Tow"Mater (voice of Larry the Cable Guy) head overseas to participate in their first World Grand Prix. Mater gets caught up in his own adventure - a top-secret mission coordinated by British master spy Finn McMissle (Michael Caine) and rookie field spy Holley Shiftwell (Emily Mortimer). It's an action packed journey through the streets of Japan and Europe.

Connect to Cars 2:

SmartLab Snap Fashion Jewelry WINNER!

The winner of the SmartLab Fashion Jewelry set is...

Entry #5, domestic diva!

Tipsy Heart {wide}

*Page elements by Tickle-Me-Designs.

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SmartLab Snap Fashion Jewelry Review and Giveaway [CLOSED]

After watching a certain popular clothing commercial a few too many times my Toddler two-year-old has declared herself a Fashionista. She walks around the house strutting her stuff, swinging her hips, five necklaces and ten bracelets a-swayin'. Well, every Fashionista NEEDS to design her own jewelry, wouldn't you say? The SmartLab Snap Fashion Jewelry Studio set provides just that opportunity for any budding Fashionista. I will warn, though, that on the box it clearly states for an older age than TWO - so if your Fashionista is as young as mine she's going to need a style assistant (the instructions recommend help for any user, young or totally grown up and way smarter than you).

The SmartLab Snap Fashion Jewelry Studio was just that - easy as a literal SNAP! We made some rings and it was super easy to put in the fabric of choice, assemble and SNAP! Oh how the Toddler loved that noise. Her favorite part was popping the finished product OUT of the assembly machine and watching it fly in the air, "Do dat AGAIN, Momma! Let's make 'nother one".

I had a super helpful Fashionista helping me make the jewelry and the good thing about the assembly machine is that there are no sharp parts. I momentarily freaked out when the assembly machine fell out of the box and the Toddler immediately snatched it up, opened it and stuck her fingers inside the hole! At the moment I didn't know what was in there and was scared for her little fingers. But upon further inspection I deemed the machine safe - free from sharp things - and I let her play with it and try to figure it out.

A disappointment with the SmartLab Snap Fashion Jewelry Studio is that not everything pictured in the box is actually in the box. There's a little note inside the included instruction booklet that provides a list of other suggested materials to buy to make your jewelry even more fun. The basic hardware and tools are in the box, along with a few fabric dots and jewels, but feathers, flowers, paint and ink you have to buy on your own. The good thing about that, though, is that there is life beyond what's in the box. You can buy more materials and keep creating and creating and creating to a Fashionista's content.

Before I even got this review for the SmartLab Snap Fashion Jewelry Studio set I knew I was a fan of SmartLab's products. I have seen and drooled over the [call me a nerd] Inside The Human Body kit. I am definetely a fan of SmartLab's stuff --- I just got a little antsy and got one of their product a little ahead of time - so do make sure you buy age appropriately.

SmartLab is giving away a Snap Fashion Jewelry Studio! Here are the links you'll need, then fill out the form below! *A winner will be picked Monday May 9, 2011.


*All opinions expressed in this post are 100% mine. Product was supplied by SmartLab for this review.


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